Eastern German
Studies Association
(Now Defunct)
The Eastern German Studies Association was an association of scholars
interested in that part of Germany once known as the German Democratic
Republic. It disbanded in 2002.
This page will remain on the Internet for the foreseeable future,
but will not be regularly maintained. I've had to transfer the material from elsewhere, and not everything came over, but I think the primary textual material is here.
The ESGA newsletter was published twice a year. Its past newsletters
will remain available on this site.
The following issues are available:
October 2002: The latest and
last news
Past issues:
Search the EGSA site for:
Other information on Eastern Germany is available at the
following places:
Miscellaneous Sites Relevant to Eastern Germany:
Useful Documents:
- GDR Abbreviations: Brian Zdan kindly provided me with a copy
of the Kleines Abkürzungsbuch, a 1986 GDR publication
that translates 6500 abbreviations. If you come across one that puzzles
you, drop me a note and I'll look it up for you. My email address
is bytw2calvin.edu [Replace the "2"
with an "@"].
- Die Wunderbare Jahre: An essay in
Dutch, with a bibliography.
Useful Commercial Sites:
- Zentrales Verzeichnis Antiquarischer
Bücher: A unified catalog of used books available from many
dealers in Germany. This is a remarkably easy way to find if an out-of-print
book is available. The database currently has over 4,500,000 books.
- ABE Books: Another good place
to find German used books.

EGSA Home Page
Last significant update 17 December 2006
Web page by Randall Bytwerk