Eastern German
Studies Association
German Studies Association
Triennial Conference
Germany between Tradition and (Post) Modernity"
12-15 September 2002
Thursday, September 12
17:00 Greetings and Reception
Place : Centre canadien détudes allemandes et européennes,
Université de Montréal, 3744 rue Jean-Brillant,
suite 525
Friday, September 13
9 :00 Keynote address : Prof. Gerhard Lehmbruch (Universität
Konstanz), "Appropriating
Federalism: East German Elites and Institutional Transfer"
9:45 12:00 Panels (see below)
12:00-13:00 Lunch (provided)
13:00-17:00 Panels
Place: Room M-415, Pavillon Principal, Université de Montréal
Saturday, September 14
9:00 12:00 Panels
13:30 17:00 Panels
Place: Centre canadien détudes allemandes et européennes
Sunday, September 15
9 :00-12 :00 Panels (if necessary)
Conference Hotels: A limited number of rooms have been reserved
at a special conference rate of $85 CDN at the Hôtel Terrasse
Royale for paper presenters. Additional rooms (unfortunately it is still
highest season in Montréal) are available at the Hôtel
Versailles Park Plaza for $195. For instructions to make reservations,
please contact David.Ouellette@Umontreal.Ca
as soon as possible.
Panel Themes, Presenters, Paper Titles
(order and timing to be confirmed upon definitive confirmations
by participants)
Eastern German Feminism? An alternative modernity?
Jennifer Madarasz (University College London), "An alternative
approach to modern emancipation: Women in the GDR during the 1970s and
Joel Morton (St. Lawrence University, New York), "Bending Gender
Studies to the East: A Post-Socialist Hybrid?"
Elizabeth Mittman (Michigan State University), "From Multivocality
to Cultural Hybridity: Evolving Identities in Independent Womens
Discussant: TBA
Tradition, Modernity, Postmodernity in the GDR
Florian Kreutzer (Rice University, Houston, TX), "´Berufª
in a State Socialist Society"
Ellie Kennedy (Queens University, Kingston, Ont.) "Performative
Theory and the Picaresque in Kerstin Hensels Tanz am Kanal"
Dieter Segert (Berlin), "Der Spätsozialismus:
ein Geburtsort der postsozialistischen Differenz"
Jonathan Zatlin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Appealing
to Authority: Citizens Petitions in the GDR and the Rhetoric of
Discussant: Marc Howard (University of Maryland)
The PDS and Postcommunist Party Politics
Jacek Lubecki (Millikin University, Illinois), "Between Legacies
of Latifundism and New European Regionalism: PDS Electorate in an East
European Historical and Comparative Perspective"
Peter Thompson (University of Sheffield, UK), "The PDS and the
Primacy of Politics"
Meredith Heiser (Foothill College, California), "Regional and
Leadership Tensions within the PDS"
Jörg Jacobs (Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/O), "Past
and Present Sources of Support for Communist Successor Parties: the
PDS in Comparative Perspective"
Discussant: Henry Krisch (University of Connecticut)
Minorities in the East: Between Integration and Exclusion
Anna Saunders (University of Bristol, UK), "Eastern Germany: Home
to a Xenophobic Tradition?"
Scott Gissendanner (Technische Universität Chemnitz), Everyday
Racism in the City: Are East Germans more Racist than West Germans?"
Christopher Kopper (University of Pittsburgh), "The East German
Sorbs and the Challenge of Globalization: The Cultural Survival
of an Ethnic Minority"
Discussant: Laurence McFalls (Université de Montréal)
The Generation Gap and Social Change in Eastern Germany
Andreas Hadjar (Technische Universität Chemnitz), "Elbow
Mentality among Adolescents in Eastern and Western Germany"
Asta Heller (New York), "Integration of Jewish Immigrants in Eastern
Germany: Generational Differences"
Bernd Linder (Haus der Geschichte, Leipzig), "The Unguided Generation:
On the Sequence of Generations in the GDR and its Structural Consequences
for the Post-revolutionary Era"
Axel Fair-Schulz (State University of New York, Buffalo), "East
Germany and its Public Intellectuals: The Case of Jürgen Kuczynski"
Mary Fulbrook (University College London), "From Generation to
Discussant: Marilyn Rueschemeyer (Rhode Island School of Design)
Shock Therapy Revisited: Catching Up or Caught Out?
Harald Michel (Institute for Applied Demography, Berlin), "The
Shock is Followed by the Implosion: East German Population Development
Since Unification"
Thomas Steger (Technische Universität Chemnitz), "The Axmans
Anxieties: Layoff Processes in the East German Transformation from the
Bosss Perspective"
Ramona Alt (Technische Universität Chemnitz), "Between Tradition
and New Departures: Symbols in the East German Transformation Process"
Vanessa Beck (Westminster Business School, London, UK), "Can Unemployment
Result in Social Capital? Indications from East German Women"
Discussant: Jeffrey Kopstein (University of Toronto)
A Different Picture: Eastern German Cinema Then and Now
Janina Falkowska (University of Western Ontario), "Eastern German
Cinema in the New Europe"
Roswitha Skare (University of Tromsö, Norway), "Vergangenheitsbearbeitung
in Literatur und Film? Zu Thomas Brussigs Helden wie wir und
Karen Kramer (Stanford University in Berlin), DEFA in Denim:
Costume Codes in East(ern) German Cinema"
Reinhild Steingröver (University of Rochester), Last Features:
DEFAs Transitional Films, 1990-92"
Discussant: Philippe Despoix (Freie Universität Berlin)
Eastern German Identities between Fiction and Fragmentation
Paul Cooke (University of Wales Aberystwyth), "Surfing for Eastern
Difference: Ostalgie, Identity and Cyberspace"
Karen Leeder (Oxford University), "´Freedom without Loveª:
Four Stories of a New German Identity"
John Rodden (University of Texas, Austin), "Education, Youth Policy,
and East German Identity: Problems and Prospects"
Wendy Schrank (University of Notre Dame, Indiana), "Constructing
National Identity through Sport: East German Swimmers, 1972-89"
Discussant: TBA
Dealing with the Past
Anne Rothe (UCLA), "A Double Vergangenheitsbewältigung: Remembering
East Germanys Collective Memory of the Third Reich"
Astrid Köhler (University of London), "Does it matter who
speaks? Questions of Voice in East German Prose Fiction before and after
Annette Weinke (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), "Helmut
Kohl vs. Bundesbeauftragte: the Political and Cultural Implications
of the On-Going Debate over the Stasi Files"
Discussant: Dietmar Köveker (Université de Montréal)